VRChat Avatar Photographer


VRChat photographer for avatar creators of any size


INFORMATIONFOR AVATAR CREATORS (Big and small): I can take photos and make simple GIFs of your avatar(s) {Commercial, limited time/stock, free, preorder, WIP, or personal/custom}
-Working on adding avatar edits to this list. This would require photo proof of permission given from the original creator.-
•Valve Index
•FBT (6 trackers)
You can hire me to be a part of your avatar team through your Discord server!
(Requires same payment and must always include credit.)
DM For Details/Questions/Other Information
Join My Server!



  • Must be able to pay for photos, GIFs, and videos in some way. (I take Cashapp, Venmo, PayPal, Zelle, and Apple Pay - For Zelle and Apple Pay you will have to join my server and make a ticket). I also accept discounts from your store, avatars from your store, and other creators avatars. I may ask for one of these in particular. Price information is below.)


  • Credit is needed for the avatar store page and posts. It is highly recommended that you hyperlink this page’s url to my discord username. (Use my discord {A must}, this page's URL {A must}, and my discord server link {Optional}. You may link this page's url to my username so when it is clicked, it takes the viewer here automatically.)

  • Make sure my username is clearly visible on the page.

  • Do not claim the photos, GIFs, or videos as your own as though you took them. They are my creations so give appropriate credit.


  • Avatar must either be uploaded to my account or cloned for me to take photos, videos, and make GIFs. I do not take photos, videos, or make GIFs of you in your avatar, I only take photos, videos, and make GIFs of me in it. (This makes it easier to pose and adjust the camera the way I see fit.)

  • I primarily take photos, videos, and make GIFs of female avatars. I am currently practicing with male models. I may be able to do the same with femboys depending on what you are looking for. The same also goes for furries.


  • I take photos in either 4K or 8K. This often causes problems when sending photos to others through Discord due to the file size and quality limit without Discord Nitro. I am able to take these photos and lower the file size enough to send through discord but this may also lower the resolution of the photos. This does also take a lot longer since I have to change the resolution of each photo, video, or GIF one by one.

  • If you wish to have the original photos/GIFs/videos with the original resolution, I can email you the photos/GIFs/videos with given permission and personal email information. (Please send me your email beforehand so it will be easier to email the photos/GIFs/videos when I'm done.)

  • When making GIFs, the longer the GIF is, the lower quality it is, please keep this in mind. The same goes for videos.


  • Photo and GIF prices are based on how many of my photos/GIFs you choose to use.* Photos/GIFs for store pages and advertisements are $3 each. *(Each photo or GIF you use, not the amount I take.)

  • Video prices are based on the same rules. Videos are $5 each.

  • TIME

  • I need more than an hour to take photos, videos and make GIFs, I may need a few days. (At least a day is highly recommended but a few hours is perfectly fine as well if you ask me before hand.) It takes time to get the photos/GIFs/videos I'm looking for through different worlds, settings, adjustments, and poses, so I need time.


  • I cannot promise how many photos, videos, or GIFs I will be able to take. You may receive 5 photos/GIFs/videos or you may get 30. I cannot give you any kind of estimate as to how many photos/GIFs/videos I will compile. The number of photos/GIFs/videos very much depends on my motivation, the avatar, the worlds I go to, and so on.


  • Examples and suggestions for types of photos, videos, or GIFs can help me come up with more ideas.

  • Please let me know what the avatar and photos/GIFs/videos are being used for (Commercial, limited time/stock, free, preorder, WIP, or personal) before hand.

  • NSFW/18+

  • Please tell me if you want/need NSFW or 18+ photos, videos, or GIFs. (Describe what kind of photos, videos, or GIFs for this case. Depending on what you want, I may or may not be able to take them. My specialty is 18+ lewd photos but I take wholesome ones as well, it mostly depends on the avatar itself.)

  • EX:

  • [18+/Lewd] Pasties/bra and underwear are visible, in lewd poses or situations

  • [NSFW] Naked avatar (showing private areas), in lewd poses or situations

  • I am not very physically flexible so there are certain poses I cannot do but I will try my best to get as close as I can. You may send me references to poses you want in particular.


  • I take photos/GIFs/videos alone unless needed. If I need others for a photo/GIF/videos, I will ask a friend of mine to help out. (I will try my best to check with you first before doing so.)


  • I am allowed to post the photos, videos, and GIFs I take for you on this page and on social media platforms such as Discord, Instagram, Facebook, X (Twitter), etc.


  • I do this as a hobby and I take photos, videos, and make GIFs in VRChat as practice for all sorts of things. I have done photography on my own for years and I am still learning.


  • If you have any questions, concerns, need more information, or you would like to see other photos, videos, or GIFs that I have finished as a reference of my work, please don't be afraid to contact me through Discord. You can also join my Discord server! (DM's are always open. Just saying "Hi" will result in a declined message. You must let me know why you are contacting me, whether it's a question you have or you want to commission me. I will respond back as soon as I can. I am always quick to respond to messages, even when I am busy. If I do not respond to your message, please send another.)

CREATORSI Have Been Commissioned By:
-ignotus․Ist 18e2 (Non-Creator)
-Sleepy Gabriel (Non-Creator)
-ZSemira (Non-Creator)
I Have Been Hired By:
-The Rioting Artist
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Creators Work:
The Rioting Artist



  • -Included GIFs in the list of things I can do for you

  • -Added more photos

  • -New page for photos

  • -Added GIFs

  • -New button for GIFs shortcut

  • -New page for GIFs

  • -Updated "Information" page

  • -Updated "Creators" page

  • -Changed heading at the top of home page to "VRChat Avatar Photographer"

  • -Reorganized links to my pages on the main page (Ex: Cashapp, YouTube, VrChat account, etc.)


  • -Added "UPDATES TO PAGE" page

  • -Added "Updates To Page" button

  • -Added free avatars to list of avatars I can take photos/GIFs of

  • -Updated information in "Suggestions" section of the rules

  • -Updated information in "Credit" section of the rules

  • -Updated wording and phrasing to adjust for adding GIFs

  • -Changed Gif/gif to GIFs/GIF in all instances


  • -Added more photos


  • -Added more photos

  • -Added a GIF

  • -Re added GIFs to be higher quality

  • -Moved all photos to one page


  • -Updated information in “Questions” section of the Rules

  • -Added “Feedback” button (WIP)

  • -Added “Feedback” page (WIP)

  • -Added feedback from creators


  • -Added feedback from creator

  • -Removed WIP from "Feedback" page and button

  • -Removed a photo

  • -Added the avatar names, creators, and links to the bottom of the "Photos" page of the avatars shown in my photos

  • -Added the avatar names, creators, and links to the bottom of the "GIFs" page of the avatars shown in my GIFs


  • -Added feedback from creator

  • -Updated "Creators" page

  • -Added photos

  • -Added link to avatar


  • -Added “About Me” button

  • -Added “About Me” page

  • -Updated background photos

  • -Changed icon for “Creators” button


  • -Added photos

  • -Added a GIF

  • -Added links to avatars


  • -Updated wording in “Rules”


  • -Added commission status and commission slot information at the top of the page (will be updated regularly)


  • -Updated commission slot status information


  • -Updated commission slot status information

  • -Added photos

  • -Added GIF


  • -Updated commission slot status information

  • -Added photos

  • -Added GIFs

  • -Added feedback


  • -Updated commission status information

  • -Updated "Creators" page

  • -Updated "Information" page


  • -Updated commission status information

  • -Added GIFs

  • -Added photos

  • -Added feedback


  • -Updated commission status information

  • -Added GIFs

  • -Added photos

  • -Added feedback

  • -Updated "Creators" page

  • -Updated "Rules" page

  • -Updated name of Rules page and button to "Rules And TOS"


  • -Updated commission status information

  • -Added a photo

  • -Updated "Questions" section of "Rules and TOS" page


  • -Updated commission status information

  • -Added photos

  • -Added GIFs

  • -Updated avatar creator url information


  • -Added "Videos (Test Phase)" button

  • -Added "Videos" page

  • -Added Videos

  • -Added avatar links


  • -Updated commission status information

  • -Added photos

  • -Added GIFs

  • -Added Videos

  • -Updated avatar creator url information


  • -Updated commission status information

  • -Added photos

  • -Added GIFs

  • -Added Videos

  • -Added feedback

  • -Updated "Video (Test Phase)" button

  • -Updated "Rules and TOS" page


  • -Added "X" Social Button

  • -Updated "Information" page


  • -Added "Discord Server" Social Button

  • -Updated "Information" page

  • -Updated "Rules and TOS" Page


  • -Removed commission status information (slots)

  • -Added Photos

  • -Added GIFs

  • -Added Videos


  • -Added Apple Pay Button

  • -Updated "Information" page

  • -Updated "Rules and TOS" page


  • -Added Photos

  • -Deleted Photos


  • Devil (Hired):

  • “Great job! The modeling was perfect! 💯🔥🔥”

  • TarloPlayz (Hired):

  • “Love the work and creativity. The photos come out amazing and beautiful. I love seeing her work and cant wait to see future projects!”

  • Kripto202 (Hired):

  • “The photos she has taken are really good but a lot of her photos seem to be solo and it would be nice to mix in a second or third person included in the pictures to help show off the customization. The ability to take photos is a whole different level that I couldn’t take. I always look forward to any photos she takes.”

  • Lymaboo (Hired):

  • “She's easy to work with and super fast!"

  • "Noraasti is such a fast working, lovely photographer<3! their photos and gifs never disappoint"

  • ignotus․Ist 18e2 (Non-Creator Commission):

  • "Satisfactory service I would definitely recommend to anyone looking for a professional and quick response and absolutely stunning pictures 10/10"

  • Sleepy Gabriel (Non-Creator Commission):

  • "Perfect at capturing the personality of the avatar even with limited time or prior knowledge"

  • NinjaCat (Commission):

  • "Noraasti was a super kind and professional person to work with! I've seen her work through friends of mine and I wanted to give it a shot, and she did amazing! She was super quick, and produced high quality photos and gifs! I look forward to working with her again in the future!"

  • ZSemira (Non-Creator Commission):

  • "Fantastic quality work, fast service and super creative poses! Wonderful person to work with. She let me watch the creative process and give ideas. It was a very fun and interesting experience. Highly recommend."


Hi! My name is Noraasti (My pronunciation: Nora stee), or Nora for short! I’m 19 years old, I’m a graduate from high school, and I’ve been playing VRChat steadily for about 4 years now.
I started out playing VRChat on an Oculus Quest 1 and continued to play on it for about 3 years. Eventually, my headset was starting to die out on me. I had been hoping to get full body tracking since my first day on VRChat and I convinced myself that there was no way for me to get it since I didn’t have the PC to handle it. Luckily, I got the opportunity, about a year ago, to save up enough to get a prebuilt PC. One of my friends was also kind enough to give me her old Vive 1.0 headset from 2018 along with 2 base stations and 2 controllers. Not long after I received the headset, I purchased 3 vive trackers to complete my dream VRChat setup. After about 8 months though, the headset started having issues with audio and visuals, it was an old headset so it was understandable. So, I had to save up once again to get the headset I have today (a Vive Pro 2).
I’ve done a mixture of different digital classes during my time in school including Digital Info Tech (for one year), TV Productions (for one year), Graphic Design (for two years), and Photography (for two years). Even before starting my photography classes in school, I had a passion for taking photos on my own. I would always get this sort of “spidey sense” as I like to call it, when I could tell a photo was going to come out amazing. I used to use my phone for photography but once I joined the class at my school, I purchased a DSLR camera (mine is a Canon EOS Rebel T2i that was used previously) and started to learn how to use it properly along with how to edit my photos using Adobe Photoshop. I’m still perfecting my craft when it comes to photography and photo editing but VRChat helps me to practice new photo techniques that would be difficult for me to use in real life.
I do avatar photo shoots as a hobby of mine and it became a sort of side job when I started taking photos for creators. I enjoy what I do when I’m able to have complete freedom over my photos, whether that’s through motivation, time, creativity, or other means. For me, being able to express myself in a photoshoot then later seeing those photos on the front page of a creator’s store is so exciting. I get to try new things and practice what I know while also helping other artists advertise their hard work by making it look as best as possible. My job is to make your avatar look perfect in the spotlight so that customers are intrigued by your work. I think it’s so important that the photos of your avatar showcase the avatar in the best light and show people what creators are able to accomplish and make when they put their minds to it. Through this mindset, I push to perfect the photos I take by removing any unwanted mistakes or errors from the photos through small movements or arrangements of the camera. This could include clipping of clothing, assets in strange positions, toggles that are broken or need to be fixed, and so on. I do my best to make sure only the most perfect sides of your avatar are shown on camera.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask! DM me on Discord anytime!Thank you for checking out my page! <3

(All include work for other creators)
Videos will be lower quality due to file size restrictions

Models (in order of appearance)
-Taiga by TarloPlayz
-Womp Womp by TarloPlayz-Makoa by TarloPlayz-Scyllia by TarloPlayz-Haze by TarloPlayz-Oraria by TarloPlayz-Teto by Kripto202-Solyore by TarloPlayz-Semira (Custom Model)-Kyouka by TarloPlayz-Secra by TarloPlayz-Kuma by TarloPlayz-Malgracia (WIP)